360 Wellness Solutions is an international group of social entrepreneur’s that believe that every human deserves the opportunity to contribute to the economic development, education, and wellbeing of the world.
Our Mission is to create microeconomies in rural and urban communities that lack access to clean water, food, shelter and a safe environment for our children to learn, play, and grow.
Our Vision is that our children and grandchildren will be socially responsible adults who will do well and do good for the world.
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Dr Katherine J Sullivan
Dr Katherine J Sullivan is the Founder and CEO of 360 Wellness Solutions. Dr Sullivan earned a PhD in movement science in 1998 from the University of Southern California (USC) Los Angeles, California. From 1998 – 2001, Dr Sullivan was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles in the Department of Psychology and at the Integrative Center for Neural Repair (ICNR) at the UCLA Brain Research Institute.
Dr Sullivan was a member of the USC faculty in the Division of Biokinesiology & Physical Therapy at the Ostrow School of Dentistry from 2001 – 2013. During her academic career she was Co-Principal Investigator of the Locomotor Experience Applied Post Stroke Trial (LEAPS) LEAPS Clinical Trial funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research.
Dr Sullivan left USC in 2013 to establish MetroHealth Station (MHS), an interprofessional clinical practice at the corner of Jefferson Ave & Crenshaw Blvd in South Los Angeles, zip code 90018. During home visits with her students, Dr Sullivan began to understand how the Social Determinants of Health, poverty, food, housing, and job insecurity are not compatible with good health.

Healthcare reform requires a collaboration between public health officials, social services agencies, and non-profits, led by the licensed healthcare professionals working at the top of our education, training, and experience in partnership with health plans to create a bridge between science and practice not a wall.

Social Entrepreneurs

About 360 Wellness Solutions
360 Wellness Solutions is a rehabilitation services organization
that provides multi-specialty healthcare to children or adults
with developmental, mental health or physical disabilities and
the families who care for them at home.
Community members can participate by sharing your passion with
others; we bring healthcare with heart to YOUR neighborhood.
Member physicians, nurse practitioners, dentists, physical
therapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, and
psychologists can join our global telehealth network or local
clinicians can offer health services in locations where the disabled,
veterans, children, and seniors need us.
We believe that the world is a global community where the health
of our natural and human resources is the greatest gift we can give
ourselves and each other.